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Tuesday, 31 May 2016

How To Choose The Best Clickbank Affiliate Product To Sell In 5 Minutes

 Are you a beginner digital marketer, maybe even experienced, trying to sell affiliate products from Clickbank? Do you log in to the site to find a whole ‘bank’ of different products that you believe you can easily market and pocket some daily commission? Have you created your blog or website, tweaked it for maximum search engine presence, done all the social media marketing etc., but somehow, you’re still struggling to make your first sale? Did you know, it is very possible that, you’re not picking the right product to sell, even if it’s within your passion, interest or niche? Well, unless you’re a genius marketer who can sell ice to an Eskimo, you would need some help. This short article is intended to give you a simple and basic guide to helping you pick the best product to sell from clickbank in 5 minutes, even if it’s within your niche or passion.

Of course you can go directly to Clickbank.com and pick a product to sell as an affiliate. However, the platform can be pretty complex even for experienced marketers, how much more new marketers? Infact, there’s a whole Clickbank University where how to use the platform to maximum benefit is taught, therefore, you can imagine what happens to those who can’t afford to pay for such a service. That’s where cbengine comes in handy. Cbengine offers a platform where you can quickly research the status and sales trend of clickbank products to enable you make a sound choice. It has a paid service but most importantly, it can also be used entirely for free even without signing up. Infact, you can even pick your clickbank affiliate link directly from cbengine if you so wish. I am a free user and it has really helped me in making the best choices. Visit the website and follow these steps.

Note that, in the images presented, all the notable portions have been highlighted either with a line, circle or arrow in red or yellow, therefore, they are not part of the main website content of cbengine.

1.     Paid Sponsors
How to choose clickbank the best products

Upon visiting the home page, you would find some prominent clickbank products on the first page, reaching out to affiliate marketers as indicated in the image above. These are all paid ads. As a good strategy, I do not recommend picking any of these products because they have already saturated the market but if any of them drives your interest, you can still follow the research steps I am about to show you before you make a choice. The strategy would be, to find existing products with significant growth prospects. So, how do we find them? This takes us to the next step.

2.    The Search Panel

How to choose the best clickbank product

Once on the home page of cbengine, locate the search panel on the right side. It’s in a sidebar format and has several features that would enable you pinpoint your search based on keywords and all but remember that, we want to do this in just 5 minutes so that we can quickly move on to other things. Therefore, our focus would be on the top three portions of the panel. These are, “Top Category”, “Sub Category” and “Ranked In”. In the Top Category drop down menu, leave it at ‘All’ but for Sub Category and Ranked In, choose “Top Only” and “Top 20” respectively. Do nothing else after this. Just find the search button at the bottom of the panel and click on it.

cb engine

From the generated results, click on category at the top to display the important details of the results. Now pay close attention here because this is the most important part of making the choice. Locate “Earn” and “Gravity” at the top of the results content. Which product should you choose? You can notice from the image that some of the products are offering some pretty high commissions per sale. These are worth taking a close look at. However, you need to compare the commission these products may be offering to the ‘Gravity’ of the product. So, what is the ‘Gravity’ all about? I would not bore you with the technical details of how the gravity is calculated but basically, it’s an indicator of a product’s market strength, in terms of its marketability and earnings. It measures the product’s market strength on a daily basis based on its sales and revenue from the day it was introduced therefore, the higher, the gravity, the higher, the market strength of the product. It is more or less the market growth analytics of the products. All this, does not necessarily mean that a product with a low gravity has a low market prospect, per se. It could be that the product is new. The gravity needs to be compared with the time the product was introduced before any conclusion can be drawn. This leads us to the next step.

3.    Analyzing The Results

cb engine

Once you’ve sieved through the results and decided which product to research, click on the product link for further details. As can be seen in the image above for an example, I picked a product with a gravity of 30.28 but with a negative outlook of -2.14. This implies that, its market strength had dropped a few points, probably in the past few days, weeks or months, albeit it’s paying a commission of 75%. To ensure that I am making a good choice, I would click on ‘graph’ at the top for further details.



As can be seen in the images above for our example, there was a study rise in gravity from the introduction stage in the year of 2011 but it peaked in 2014.  Since then, there has been some decline in market strength. On the other hand, the referral rate as indicated in the  graph image immediately above shows some sturdiness, which is an indication that, with the right marketing approach, a marketer can still earn some good commission by bringing in referrals. The length of time the product has existed may also prove its strength.

There you are, we’re done! Based on this simple step, you should be able to choose a clickbank product in 5 minutes. Do I have an advice on the best product to choose? Personally, I have found that products with gravities between 30 and 50 are study to market and sell. However, I have also gone for some products with gravities as low as 6 with ‘rising star’ prospects or statuses and I have been pleasantly surprised. All said and done, the ultimate decision rests with you.

If you found this article useful, feel free to share it across social media. Also feel t share your opinion or any other additions in the comment session. You never know who may be helping.

‘1.65 Billion Reasons’ Why Start-Ups Should Take Facebook Seriously

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Facebook Stats

Hello!! Did you hear the great news a couple of weeks or so ago, the research that revealed that, Facebook had 1.65 billion users monthly in the first quarter of 2016? Check out the stats here: Facebook Stats 2016.  Are you an entrepreneur struggling to find market for your products? Do you have a website struggling for traffic, leads and conversions (sales). Well there-in lays your answer if you don’t already know. Imagine finding a readymade market of a mere 1000 of this amount of regular users every month for a product that sells at just $1.

Facebook leads and conversions

Oh yeah, you’re nodding your head right? Sometime last year, I took a break from Facebook and wrote this article Five Things I Achieved After Deactivating My Facebook Account. Do I have a change of mind? Absolutely not! What has changed is that by taking the break, I was able to discover what to actually use my Facebook and other social accounts for as a digital and social entrepreneur.  Listen, it’s all good if you want to solely indulge in social engagement on Social media. Infact, some strategic social engagement as I have broken down in this article The Uncensored Guide To Getting Massive Direct Traffic, is actually important for business success as long as it’s done with much tact and prudence. Afterall, that was what social media was created for. However, if you’re a serious entrepreneur who wants to succeed at all cost, then you should also look beyond pure social engagement.


1.    1.65 billion Monthly users would be any search engine’s dream but the good thing is that, it’s social media so you don’t need to be found through some SEO strategy. You don’t have to be worried about messing up your website whilst doing SEO. You don’t have to worry about search engines penalizing your website based on some false suspicion that you’re trying to manipulate them. You can basically spread the word and get found by friends and friends of friends through tags, sharings and likes. This creates a chain of views and possible leads for your product or content across the world. Better still you can use paid ads to get a well targeted audience for your products.

Facebook Likes

2.    I know a lot of people hate the ‘like’ button.  I used to hate it too until I understood its real use for content and business promotion. I have seen many complaints by Facebook users to have it taken down but Facebook would simply not budge. Infact, Facebook tells you not to like something if you don’t want your friends to see it in the ‘ticker’. I know a few great relationships that have ended because of the ‘like’ button, if you know what I mean. Sad as it is, that is not the topic here. Why wouldn’t Facebook take this down? Now, this opinion is purely based on observation and hunch, not research. Facebook’s main source of revenue is through ads so they need to assure advertisers, content or product owners that there’s a feature that would ensure that their product or content would go viral if they stay on Facebook and spread the word. The ‘like’ button is one of them. How many times haven’t you been curious about something a friend liked once it appears in your ticker? Yeah, that’s what Facebook wants to happen. They want to drive your curiousity with the ‘like’ button and have you click on that link to find out what it’s all about. And how does that happen? By seeing it ‘liked’ by someone else!! That’s how virility is created with the ‘like’ button and that, I suspect, is one of the reasons why Facebook would not take it down. It also, in a way, indicates what your interests are so that they can target such products to you on the advert panel. Simply put, it’s a major feature for contents to go viral and reach a larger audience which in turn, is very reassuring to business owners and advertisers. The more people they reach, the more leads and conversion they make.

3.    Facebook’s ‘bot’, if there is any, seems to ‘spy’ on people’s search interests even outside Facebook. If you pay close attention, you would realize that, very often, you see adverts for products you might also have searched for on other search engines appearing as ‘right in your face’ ads on your Facebook newsfeed or the advert panel on the right. Yeah, they seem to ‘spy’ on your search requests outside Facebook, thereby enabling them to determine what your interests might be so that they can deliver them to you once you log in to their platform. Great for business owners, isn’t it??

4.    Finally, Facebook would not issue page warnings at will or block your usage of any of their features just because you tried to get ‘commercial’ on their network. They are very flexible with commercial activities because they know that, at some point you might want to pay to get further exposure. Infact, with all its numbers, Facebook still advertises for more users around the world. They know how to find scam accounts too and quickly delete them.

As an entrepreneur, I see Facebook in a different light now than I used to and I am getting a piece of the pie in my own way. By the way, if you want to know how to do this without paid ads, read this How To Make Your Facebook Page Go Viral Without Paid Ads. In my opinion, though a few new Social networks have sprung up with the intention of providing stiff competition for Facebook, it still remains the ultimate Shangri-La for start-ups and even long existing businesses who desire guaranteed success and that is the reason why, I would not close my account ever. On the social front, I still have some problems with Facebook, though. Facebook sometimes refuses to remove abusive racist content by individuals. There also remains the issue of secret groups created by paedophiles to prey on innocent children. These and a lot more abuses are inexcusable but in my opinion, it remains the best free platform to grow a business out there. If you found this article useful, feel free to share and comment.

How To Get A Piece Of The 1.65 Billion Facebook Pie Without Paid Ads

Hey listen, getting things for free do not come easy, I must warn you. Facebook offers paid ads which are well targeted to your desired audience so if you can afford at least $5 a day, I recommend you pay to promote your product after I have taken you through these steps because it’s a guaranteed avenue for sales. Nonetheless, the free process still works very well if you have the patience to spread the word and go viral.


First off, you need to create a Facebook page to spread the word about your product. Creating a Facebook is pretty easy. Facebook provides you the basic action buttons in the drop down menu on your profile at the top right corner. Just click on ‘create page’ as seen in the above photo.

Facebook page

Facebook page

The page creation involves four basic steps -  “About”, a “Profile Picture” for your page, “Add to Favourites” and choosing the desired “Audience” for your page. Of course you must add appropriate pictures (profile and cover) that correspond with your product and also add the page as a favourite. This would make it possible for you to quickly locate it among the list on the right-side panel on your newsfeed page so that you can quickly make changes or post new content. Now, you should know what to put in the “about” section. Here, make sure you input the most important keywords of your product within the write-up and then if you have a desired audience for your product you can specify. This is especially good if you intend to “promote”(pay to advertise the page) because you can directly research for high converting countries and target them directly. For the free version however, I recommend you keep it open for all locations. Then pick the gender, age range and interest for the page. The interest should be what your page is actually about. See in the pictures above.

Facebook page

Facebook page

Your page is almost ready. If you want to promote the page, which is highly recommended, click the promote button on the right and choose the price at which you want it promoted.  There’s something very important you can add that would help your conversions greatly. On the cover photo click on the “add a button” menu and find a variety of actions that you can take as seen in the images above. I recommend that you  pick the “learn more’ button and insert a ‘shortened’ affiliate url using any of the good url shortening services out there, if your page is about a blog on an affiliate product, that is. I have found this to work very well for me. Facebook, now offers you the opportunity to promote only that button directly from there.  Of course, if you have a personal website you can do same.


Facebook post page in groups

Facebook schedule post

Now here’s the difficult part and this requires patience since you’re not using ‘promotion’ for your page. Of course you can spread word around about your page and invite friends, family etc. to join but what if these people are not really interested in your content? That makes it very important for you to dig deep and find the right audience for your product. How do you do this? Use the Facebook search button to find groups and other pages similar to your product. Join and like them respectively. I suggest you find groups or pages with active members of at least 2,000 or likes. Join as many as you can. Now here’s the crucial part! Everytime you post new content on your profile, share this content directly from your page into these other groups or pages of the same interest as yours that you have joined as seen in the picture above. A lot of people make the mistake of just posting content on their pages or walls and expect that people would find them by searching Facebook. Yes, that’s possible but it would take a hell of a long time for your content to go viral and attract likes. However, once you post directly from your page after you have posted new content people get curious and trace the link back to your page and like it. You may get lucky and have people share your page too. I have personally done this with great success. The ‘likes’ trickle in bit by bit and then sooner than later your audience would increase as long as you have the patience and keep churning out fresh content and engaging with fans of your page. On the publish button, you also have the option to schedule posts. This helps to keep the page active whilst you’re away. Don’t directly advertise your page in other groups or on other pages. Many page admins don’t like that. You may get deleted and blocked if you’re not lucky!  Keep the page active everyday with new postings. These postings do not necessarily have to be about your product. You can find links related to your product online and share as long as it would keep the page active or people would leave.

Get leads with traffup

Finally, Traffup is a website you can join. It’s a place, where you can add your page or website and gain credits that you can in turn use to promote your page. It has several action features for Facebook likes, Tweeter retweets/follows, website viewing and instagram follows/likes but let’s focus on the Facebook portion of it. When you sign up you can undertake any of the activities mentioned and gain credits to use for Facebook likes. The good thing about Traffup is that, people are not obliged to like your page based on an exchange. When someone likes your page, it was more likely because that person was interested in what you have to offer. You can really garner some real leads with this one and this is all for free. As your following grows, Facebook would be forced to recognize your importance and put you on top of the search pile for further growth. 

There you have it! Go ahead and go viral but be patient and follow the sharing policies of Facebook if you don’t want your content to be deleted. Are you going to get 1000 followers in one day with this approach? No, unless of course you’re Usher but it’s a great approach to start off and gradually climb to the top.  If you found this article useful, feel free to share it and comment.

RESOURCES:  Facebook

Sunday, 8 May 2016

Uncensored Guide To Getting Massive Direct Traffic Leading To Increased Daily Sales

Are you new to online business, do you run a blog or do you have an existing website that is not attracting your desired or projected traffic because you can’t publicize it through paid adverts. Have you done the basics, that is, written quality content with the perfect headline and all? Do you wonder how to get some massive direct traffic to your website? Direct traffic often converts because the people who click on links you share or enter your website address directly into their internet browsers make that decision consciously because they actually want something from you. Simply put, they are not finding your content or product through general search; they know what they want and so they come directly to you because you’re offering it. Ok first of all, before I get down to brass tacks, I suggest you read this article that I wrote earlier to get acquainted with an SEO software that would help you to optimize your website and dominate search engines for effective results: Best SEO Software . But, this is not the focus of the article as you know so let’s get back to the topic.

traffic infographic

I know that, the biggest concern of most new businesses online and blogs is how to get traffic.  It’s not an easy task trying to sell your product or ideas online, though the World Wide Web is a whole huge economy on its own. Yet, it can still be easy if you know your way around. I have had a lot of tough lessons in my 3 years journey online and I must admit, I am still learning. I own a few blogs and online shops in different niches but I have intentionally not optimized a couple for search engine results because they are still on ‘test drive’. Those are the ones I use for the processes I am about to show you.

So how do I get massive daily direct traffic to my blogs without SEO?

Real Interest In People

Look, no matter what you think, this is not an over-flogged topic. It’s a person who would buy into your ideas or products and that is why you need to show real interest in people. Note the emphasis on REAL! So what do I mean? Text book marketing teaches you to shelve your emotions (the customer is always right concept), put the customer first and get to know about their personal lives and all. Well it’s all fine except in my opinion it becomes manipulative if it’s not real. So, connect with people on social media and show real interest in their content or forget it… Here’s what I do and it’s all real. I have accounts on almost every social media platform that you can think of. Some, under different names and others yet to be converted into business profiles (the reasons are explained in another paragraph). I have connected with thousands around the world. In the ones that I took the initiative to connect, I carefully read the profiles of these persons to ensure that I have real interest in their content. That way, I would not have to force myself to like what they are selling or writing about; the interest comes naturally. I comment, like, retweet, re-pin on Pinterest or + their content and share them on my news feeds. Guess what happens, the favour is very often returned when I have a new product posted from my online shop or a new blog content posted. I do this mostly on Google +, Twitter, LinkedIn Tumblr and Instagram, etc. Infact, on Google + for example, I give my profile a personal touch by sharing short ‘hello’ videos and also videos of my guitar playing hobby every now and then. This serves to provide real impressions to my connections online. These actions do not only serve to prove you’re real but also, since algorithms on social networks are structured to give you more  exposure the more active you are, you get connected to the most relevant content and your content is similarly exposed to the relevant people.  So for example, you’re sharing, liking, +ing or re-pinning content on fashion, algorithms would find and suggest people with similar interests for you to connect with and also you would be suggested to others to connect with or follow you. In this case, the more active you remain, the more exposure you tend to get.That’s how good technology is! People are the most important part of getting traffic, leads and making sales or if you run a blog, getting advert clicks. I am highly privileged to have some of my connections as high influencers in their fields therefore this makes things all the more easy because people believe what they say. Do I read, comment or share everything my online connections post? No because naturally, I would like some content more than others but also, time constraints do not permit that so I ensure that, at least my top 20 engagers receive some thumbs up from me very often and consistently. If it’s a long article that I have no time reading immediately, I save it in pdf to be read later. Once I read it, I form an opinion, go back to their page and add a sincere comment. The best thing about this is that, I do it because I have real and not fake interest in the content they shared. Do I bother if the favour is not returned?? Hell no, because I first and foremost liked, shared, retweeted or commented due to real interest in the content. I have seen a boost of about 20% in traffic and conversions with this approach alone and best of all they are direct (real people interested in my product or content). One last thing!! Make sure you engage with every comment on your content, profile, tweet or whatever there is. Reply to comments, +, retweet or share them if you agree. Apply same sometimes even if you disagree because this would prove that you’re tolerant of diverse views. Simply put, don’t leave any questions unanswered including emails and any comment unappreciated even the bad ones. This is very important otherwise your content would look unreal and dry!! Finally, with this particular approach, I have not only been able to do good business but I have also been able to build a network of wonderful and real friends, albeit online, where we help each other with ideas, thoughts, suggestions and  solutions in challenging times and even with personal life issues. Oh yes!! I am very lucky and grateful to all my friends. Point To Note – Be Real + Engage + Expect Nothing In Return

The Most Effective Social Media Sharing Strategy

Yes, I am aware you know this but how do you do it effectively for maximum results? It can be a bit tedious but done well, the results can be amazing. This is what I have done and you can adopt it. I have registered on many social media platforms like I said earlier. Infact, I have a whole word document that contains all my social media user names, emails and passwords with which I registered so that I would not forget anything. On some of the platforms, I have converted my real name to another name. An example is my Instagram profile. This is basically to avoid the social distraction that being found by family and friends on these platforms may bring. Well, if you’re family or friend and you find and add me on any of these platforms, great but you’d have to understand that my interest on that platform is different or you would be very disappointed, I am sorry. I need to stay focused on the primary objective so I use these different names. Likewise I have different emails strictly for business purposes and creating blogs in different niches. For example, I have two Gmail accounts and on both accounts, I run two different blogs each in different niches. This is all for the purpose of avoiding the use of one account to share my content which can come across as spamming sometimes. Is this ethical? Well I do not know. All I know is that, it’s working.  Oh yeah, I told you this is uncensored!! All this said, it’s however very important to break things down to your friends, family and spouse or they might get a wrong impression about your online activities. People who are not involved in working online from home tend to believe that it’s all fake and fraud or maybe you might be cheating. That’s why it’s important to break things down to the core to everyone around you, maybe with some evidence. If they love you and have your interest at heart, they would understand. For example, if you were my spouse, you would think I am cheating on you because I tend to interact a lot more with my female network. The reason is simple!  My analytics by gender show that, a lot more females visit my blogs and fashion shops than males. This also implies that, more females are purchasing my products than males so I must give them a good deal of attention. There’s a belief out there that females make more purchases than males, anyway.

How To Choose People To Follow On Social Media


who to follow on twitter

For effective social media sharing for your ‘product’, you can’t just follow anyone on social media. If your intention is to solely get social that’s fine but you’d need to create a separate account for that because it comes with its own distractions. You need to target the audience that is most likely to be interested in what you have to ‘sell’. Here’s the simple trick. Find your competitor’s followers and follow them. However, you should not follow just anyone in your competitor’s follow list. You should find real people with real names, not profiles with organizational or webpage names. The picture illustration above should help you understand what I mean exactly. I have picked my possible competitors in the first picture, highlighted examples of those to follow (real people) and crossed in red, who not to follow necessarily in the second . You can however consider them as competitors and explore their followers later for following.  This works very well on social media platforms with the ‘follow’ feature, like Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr, Google+ etc. A lot of them are likely to follow back. Once they do, your shared content would be appearing in their newsfeed. The assumption here is that, these ‘real people’ would likely be interested in what you’re offering, which is often true since they are following your competitors. You should however keep an eye on your competitors and make sure you offer something better than what they are offering. On Facebook, this can be a bit tricky because not everyone activates the ‘follow’ button and you can’t go sending friend request to everyone or Facebook would ban you. What you can do on both Facebook and even further on Google + is to join as many groups and communities in your niche as possible. Look out for active groups and communities with at least 1000 members, no less.

Install these 3 browser Plug-ins – Buffer, Shareaholic/Share and Pinterest

installed plug-ins

These three basic browser plug-ins would enable you to share your content on most social media platforms directly from your content and best of all they are free.  Well, Buffer has a paid version which allows you to add multiple accounts from one platform but the basic is free. “Share” alone, connects you to over 100 platforms on which you can post your content directly if you have the time and patience.  Now, the job is done! All you need to do when you have new content is to open the content page, locate the plug-ins on your browser spend some time sharing it on your social media profiles and watch the traffic grow by the hours. Share in groups on Facebook and Communities on Google+ too. My suggestion would be to share in not more than four communities every two days on Google or you might get a page warning and a possible ban.


I personally use this method to great success at least thrice every week.It's time consuming and can be very frustrating with a slow internet but if you have the patience, it's worth it. I have seen a huge jump in my page views and affiliate revenue with this method all because this is directly targeted traffic. I can dedicate a whole day just doing this whilst my other optimized blogs for search engines also run on auto-pilot generating organic traffic. Give it a shot. I wish you all the best. Feel free to comment below and share any ideas or this article if you found it useful.