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Monday 11 April 2016

The Hard Road To Success – What to Expect And A Dose Of Inspiration

Dream Big and give it a shot

As a follow up to my blog Working online from home - The lessons, I have decided to share a few other things that one should expect along the road to success and maybe inspire you to navigate these turbulent waters. Take note that this does not only apply to business. It also applies to any new ‘adventure’ one starts in all spheres of life; relationships, new hobbies, new courses at school etc. The idea is to let you know that this is to be expected so that when they occur, you would see them as normal and not break down or give up entirely. I suggest you read this every morning as a reminder to help you to keep on track. Ok, so let’s shoot!

Don't wait for the perfect situation


If you have a family who believes that being employed means, getting up in the morning and dressing up in suit and tie or putting on executive clothes (if you’re a woman), leaving home and going to an office every morning from 8:00am to 5:00pm, you’re going to have a hard time because they would discourage you. Don’t blame them, it’s not because they don’t want the best for you. Rather, it’s because they want you to succeed. You see, the fact is, all they have known in life is operating within a safe zone so they want you to travel the same path. I mean, they got some education and got a government job immediately after that, when the population was low. Back then, there was an appreciable and constant economic growth and technology was not rendering people redundant, unlike today. Their reaction is because they are scared that you won’t succeed; they actually feel for you. Forgive them, listen to advice, compare and contrast opinions and pick the best that suits your path but explain things to them constantly. Stick to your guns, focus and keep moving. Believe it or not though I am spending more time working online than a lot of people who commute to work daily, my family still do not think I am employed. It’s a war I fight daily with constant explanations and evidence of my success and investments. I stopped distributing my Résumé about a year and a half ago and my family thinks I am crazy but I know what I have discovered and what I am on to so I have always kept my focus. 


Some friends would think you’re crazy and would try to discourage you. It could be out of genuine concern or it could be out of envy because they wish they were in your shoes.  You would lose some friends because you’re not ‘bringing anything to the table’ when you go hanging out. It’s a sacrifice worth making anyway because these are fair weather friends. Forgive them, keep focused and keep moving on. Communicate often with friends or people who are in a similar situation as yours. These people would act as your support group and inspire you on, trust me. Infact, I have the privilege of collaborating with friends and people I have met who are in a similar situation, on various projects online and offline.


 You would break down and have self-doubts, oh yes, this would happen a lot, especially in times when things do not turn out as expected. There were many days when i had to choose between getting lunch or dinner and getting internet bundle so i could work because i had no support. Fact is, people are more likely to discourage you than encourage you in any new 'journey you take. This is likely to affect yourself confidence every now and then, when things go wrong. You would wonder whether you should abandon the whole idea and go back to what people consider ‘normal’ so you need to deal with it. In the end, when you succeed, they would try to emulate you. What would make you happier, knowing that you built your own life by daring to take reasonable risks or knowing that someone else built your life for you? Think about it!!

If you found this article useful, feel free to share and also share your opinion. Stay inspired!

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